Marketing Bites

Activate Site Search Tracking in Google Analytics

Seeing what your customers type into the search box on your website will allow you to understand what they are interested in. Many people don't know that Google Analytics offers an easy way to track these on-site searches, and that this feature can be set up in a matter of minutes. Below, we offer some basic instructions for turning on Site Search Tracking in Google Analytics.

Log onto your Google Analytics account and under "Admin", edit the View Settings for your main view. Click the Site Search Tracking toggle to switch it to the ON position, and add your Query parameter. For MightyMerchant customers, this parameter is "keywords." If you are using a different content management system you might need to find out the search query parameter that your system uses. Within 24 hours Google will begin tracking search data from your website.

It takes less than five minutes to add this feature to your Google Analytics account, and then it will track the searches on your website. Once Google begins tracking, it is easy for you to view this detailed information and learn more about what your site users are searching for.

For the most up-to-date instructions on setting up this feature and accessing Site Search data, please visit Google's support documentation.

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