Examine Your Facebook Posting Strategy
Facebook released results of an internal study that they conducted to discover which types of posts generate the most engagement. Four weeks of posts across 23 brands and six industries were examined, and the messages were categorized into three types:
- Messages about the product or service
- Messages related to the brand
- Messages unrelated to the brand
This is a particularly interesting result (emphasis mine): "Posts on topics related to the brand, but not specifically about the product or service, were the sole universally significant predictor of all types of engagement."
If you want to make the most of your Facebook page and get your fans engaged in a specific way, Facebook has it figured out:
- If your goal is to generate "likes": Post on topics related to your brand, along with a clear call-to-action ("Like this if....")
- If your goal is to generate comments: Post on topics related to your brand, and ask a question in the post ("What are your top three uses for ____ product")
- If your goal is to generate shares: Post on topics related to the brand, and use photos, photos albums and videos
Examine your Facebook page posting strategy and see how it compares to their ideas. Integrate their recommendations to generate engagement.
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