Include a Keyword Rich Link on Your Home Page
Search engines pay attention to the linking structure of your website. Here is a quick tip that will help your SEO efforts: Make sure the text on your home page includes a keyword phrase that links to an internal page on your website. Here's how you do it:
Identify an important page on your website and copy the URL. We will call this page your destination page. For example, if you are a snowboard shop, you could use the page on your site that shows your women's snowboard boots.
Come up with a two to three word phrase that you want people to search for and is related to the destination page. With the above example, "women's snowboard boots" would be your phrase. Simple enough, eh?
Edit an existing sentence on your home page or write some new text that includes the keyword phrase, then make the phrase into a link to your destination page. You could go with this simple text: “Our online store offers a huge selection of women’s snowboard boots.” Just make the words "women's snowboard boots" into a link to your destination page.
It's that simple! Google and Bing reward sites with rich content that helps users find what they want. Creating a strong linking structure is one important step.
If you are a HEROweb customer and need more help with creating a link, just visit our support site.
Happy linking!
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Marketing Bites are short actionable tips to help you market your business. Each Bite contains a marketing idea and an easy to complete action. The Marketing Bite is emailed weekly to subscribers.
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