Marketing Bites

Tune Your Page Titles

There are many aspects to doing search engine optimization (SEO). Creating search engine-friendly page titles is one of the most important. Having a well-optimized website will increase the chances that users will find your website when they search for it on the major search engines. 

Whether you use MightyMerchant or another Content Management System, you likely have easy access to adjust your page titles.

We recommend that you go through this quick exercise to improve the page titles on your site.

1. Make a list of ten phrases that you hope people will type into Google and see your site come up in the organic search.

2. Click through your site and determine whether you have these phrases in the titles of any of your pages.

3. Designate a page on your site to optimize for each of the mission critical phrases.

4. Include the phrases in your page titles. We recommend including a maximum of two other phrases for any given page, with each phrase off-set by a hyphen, colon, or some other punctuation. If a page already comes up highly for another important phrase that is already in your page title, we recommend keeping that phrase in the title.

5. Keep your titles relatively brief. Do not attempt to cram a large number of keywords into your page titles.

As SEO has evolved and matured, the top search engines are putting more emphasis on off-site factors, such as what other sites are linking into your website. However, good on-site optimization is still an important factor for search engine success. Taking 30 minutes to update your page titles will be time well spent. If you are not sure how to update the page titles on your site, just ask us!

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