Remove or Update Date-Sensitive Data
Happy New Year!
Last year at this time, HEROweb sent out a Marketing Bite reminding you to check out what content might need to be updated on your website. And it's that time again - the calendar has changed over to a new year.
Now that the new year is upon us, leave some room in your schedule to evaluate your website. We often see websites where outdated information stays on the site longer than it should. Set a calendar reminder to remove or update date-sensitive announcements or content from your site.
Date-sensitive content to check for:
- Expired holiday sales or promotions
- Copyright dates
- Staff members that are no longer with you
- Services or products that you have added or changed
- Information that references a number of years that have passed (How long you have been in business on your About page, how long employees have been with you, etc.)
- Haven't posted to your blog, Facebook, or Twitter in a blue moon? Give a new year update to all of your social media channels.
Why not take this time as an opportunity to reflect upon your successes from the past year, and your strategy for the upcoming year? Read HEROweb's article on Defining Your Business Goals in the New Year.
About the Marketing Bite
Marketing Bites are short actionable tips to help you market your business. Each Bite contains a marketing idea and an easy to complete action. The Marketing Bite is emailed weekly to subscribers.
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