Benefits of LinkedIn & LinkedIn Quick Start Guide

LinkedIn is one of those social networks that many people have heard about, but not many business owners seem to take advantage of. With so much attention focused on Facebook, it can seem like LinkedIn is not worth the time, but we’re here to tell you that every business should be on LinkedIn.
Why? LinkedIn is more than just a social network for business professionals. It’s more like an online version of a conference or meet-up. It’s a way to gain contact with influential people all over the world, and in a variety of industries.
LinkedIn can help you build a network of partners, clients, and service providers.
Thousands of new users are signing on to LinkedIn every day. If you don’t know someone but are impressed with their work or knowledge, you can send an introductory email or ask that you be introduced through a mutual contact.
LinkedIn Answers lets you access expert advice.
LinkedIn Answers allows you to post business questions to both your own network and the greater LinkedIn community. If you have a question, ask it of the person who knows the answer best.
Position yourself as the expert.
LinkedIn Answers provides a way for you to position yourself as the expert if you choose to answer the questions of others, rather than posting questions yourself.
Use LinkedIn Groups to promote your events.
There are thousands of groups on LinkedIn with members that are focused on business, marketing, writing, editing, job openings, recruiting, project managers, entrepreneurs . . . every sort of group you can think of. And if the group you want isn’t in the directory, you can start one! Join and participate in these groups and promote the conferences, events, and talks that you go to or give yourself.
Recommend others or read recommendations.
Once you have added products or services to your company profile you can request recommendations from your customers. You can also read or recommend other employees or contractors that you have worked with.
LinkedIn is more than just a social network . . . it’s a knowledge sharing resource that your business can take advantage of!
Have your relevant information at hand before you begin. This includes dates of current and past positions of employment with a brief description of each; a profile picture; a summary paragraph describing your skills and expertise. Fill out your profile with as much detail as you can.
Sync your email contacts. LinkedIn’s webmail import shows you in seconds which of your email contacts are already using the service.
Grow your network. Select from your list of imported contacts who you want to connect with. Look for other influential professionals to link up with.
Build relationships. Begin looking at questions and answers that you might be able to contribute to. Look for groups to join. Look up recommendations of potential employees or service providers.