HEROweb can help you integrate a blog with your MightyMerchant site. For many users, our MightyMerchant Mini-Blog is an excellent option. It is simple to maintain and allows for basic blog posting and comments. We also can install a WordPress blog for you. WordPress is widely recognized as the most robust blogging platform in the world. WordPress has many plugins (small add-ons to the site which offer specific functionalities, like comment management or subscriber management) and themes (appearances) which can be customized to meet your needs and budget. Incorporating a Blog into your e-commerce site is a great way to drive business to your website. Blog marketing allows you to offer advice and build a relationship with clients who otherwise might be unfamiliar with your business. A WordPress blog is a great way to let the human element of your business come through and begin to build trust with new clients.
MightyMerchant Mini-Blog
- Set up fee: $250 / Monthly: $0 monthly fee
WordPress Blog Basic
- Set up fee: $150 / Monthly: $10/mo.
WordPress Blog Plus
- Set up fee: $250 / Monthly: $10/mo.
WordPress Blog Advanced
- Set up fee: $500-$750 / Monthly: $10/mo.
WordPress Blog Custom
- Custom Quote